Every great piece of furniture starts its life as a simple drawing. At Teemo, we believe that originality begins with a blank sheet of paper and a creative idea.
The furniture you see in our clients’ high-street stores doesn’t just appear – it starts right here, in the hands of our design team. Our process begins with capturing the concept through hand-drawn sketches. These initial ideas serve as the foundation for the designs that will eventually become real-life furniture pieces.
Once the idea is on paper, the hard work begins. Each sketch is refined, revised and explored from multiple angles. Different versions are drawn up, compared and discussed. It’s a process of creativity and problem-solving, ensuring the final design is priced correctly, functional and beautiful.
Our design team is a key part of what makes Teemo unique. Their ability to turn ideas into furniture that balances beauty, originality and practicality is the reason we’ve built such strong relationships with our clients and why our creations consistently find their way onto high streets across the world.
Curious about how our designs could enhance your retail collection? Get in touch to discover how we bring concepts to life.